Mighty Armies: The Army Lists for the Golden Age of Mars (FREE)
Product Description
Mighty Armies: The Army Lists for the Golden Age of Mars is a free download PDF of Army lists, suggestions and a little history on different armies you can create in Mighty Armies for playing on Mars. Whether it is Historical Mars, City-State Martians or Colonial Mars, you will find some ideas and even some challenges for your own Mighty Armies games. Some of the themed armies have rules and requirements not seen in the core rule book. These are just suggestions to enhance your games, they are not official changes for tournaments!
Our plan is to release different lists for many types if armies. So, have fun and try out some of these armies.. who knows, maybe you come up with some Mighty Armies of your own!
Written by Scott “Rudy” Nelson and Andrew Lucas With Michael Renegar.
Also, check out more info and some cool armies and stats at: Visit MightyArmies.com
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